WHERE: 440 Williams Hall
Anticapitalist novels in contemporary Argentina. A conversation with Alejandra Laera(event to be held in Spanish)Can the novel, as a genre, offer an explicitly anticapitalist solution as a resistance strategy to the contemporary living conditions? This presentation accounts for an emerging corpus of novels that return to anarchism to rethink the present, proposing neoactivist reformulations in sync either with the materialist turn or eco-affectivity.Alejandra Laera is Director of the Argentine Literature Institute at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Professor at the UBA, lead researcher at the Conicet (National Scientific and Technical Research Council), and Co-director of the Masters in Narrative Journalism in the Universidad de San Martín. She has given lectures in many universities at the United States and Latin America, including Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, NYU, Northwestern, Berkeley, UPCRJ, UPCP, UNAM, USP. She published El tiempo vacío de la ficción. Las novelas argentinas de Eduardo Gutiérrez y Eugenio Cambaceres (FCE, 2004), Ficciones del dinero. Argentina, 1890-2001 (FCE, 2014) and the essay Húmeda, susurrada, afectiva, creativa (E de la UNL, 2022).