Hispanic Studies Resources
Latin American and Latino Studies Program
Important websites
- Career Services
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Department of Romance Languages
- Doctoral Dissertation Manual is hosted by the Library and linked in the Catalog. Procedures for submitting a dissertation are covered here.
- Faculty Wellness Partners for Graduate Students
- Graduate Division of Arts and Sciences
- Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA)
- Graduate Student Center (GSC)
- Kelly Writers House
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Center
- Center for Teaching and Learning
- Weingarten Learning Resource Center
- University Writing Center
- Van Pelt Library
- Wellness @ Penn
Campus Policies
- Academic Rules for PhD Programs
- Advising and Mentoring PhD students
- Alcohol and Other Drug Policy- (See section II.C. Rules Governing Alcohol Use at Registered Graduate and Professional Student Social Events)
- Consensual Sexual Relations Between Faculty and Students
- New Parent Accommodation/Family Leave centralized procedure and form
- Sexual Violence, Relationship Violence, and Stalking Policy
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Pennbook is now in the University Catalog
University Telephone Numbers
Main Office of the Department of Romance Languages: 215-898-7429
Graduate Coordinator of the Department of Romance Languages: 215-898-1980
Graduate Division of Arts and Sciences: 215-898-7444
Student Health Service, appointments: 215-662-2853
Student Health Service, Office of Insurance: 215-573-3523 or -3524
Student Financial Services: 215-898-1988
Registrar's Office: 215-898-6636
University Police: 511 (from on-campus phones); 215-573-3333 (from off-campus phones)
Van Pelt Library Research and Instructional Services Department
Reference Desk: 215-898-7556
Administrative Office: 215-898-8118
Joseph Holub, Liaison/Bibliographer for Hispanic Studies:
Room 210 Van Pelt
email: holub@pobox.upenn.edu
Collections development information for Hispanic Studies: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/policies/iberian.html