Andrés García Londoño

Office Location: 
Will 407
Office Hours: 
Spring 2025: M 3-4pm and R 12:45-1:45pm or by appointment
(215) 898-0933

Andrés is Colombo-Venezuelan. Before beginning his PhD. studies at the University of Pennsylvania, he worked as an editor in university presses and journals in Colombia, where he also taught both academic and creative writing in several universities and academies.

His focus is on contemporary Latin American Literature. His work explores how Latin American novels published in the last twenty years reflect the changes in conceptions of time and space brought by globalization.




Research Interests: 

•Latin American Studies

•20 and 21st -Century Literature

•Globalization Studies

•Temporality and Time Studies

•Science, Technology and Society Studies

•Urban Cultural Studies

•Border and Migration Studies