Armando Navarro Rojas

Office Location: 
Williams Hall 536 & 537
Office Hours: 
Spring 2025: M 3-4pm and W 3-4pm
Ph.D. Student, Hispanic Studies
  •  I was born and raised in Nuevitas, a town in eastern Cuba. During my undergraduate and master's studies, I have focused on film studies, specifically on community audiovisual as a counter-hegemonic discourse. I have experience in filmmaking, particularly in assistant directing for two documentary series. Additionally, I have experience in university-level teaching at the Centro de Diseño, Cine y TV in Mexico.
  • My academic focus centers on speculative narratives as counter-hegemonic technologies. I'm working on Caribbean literature and cinema, interested in their potential to challenge dominant narratives. My current research aims to uncover the intricate relationships between discourse, space, and representation within a wide-ranging textual corpus spanning the 20th and 21st centuries, all centered around the Caribbean.
  • Conference:

2024 “¡Silencio!: se está haciendo comunidad. Lo comunitario en Cuba: El Movimiento Audiovisual en Nuevitas (MAN)” / Vida privadas/públicas: identidades en Movimiento / 8va Conferencia de Posgrado de Chicago en Estudios Hispánicos, Luso-brasileños y Latinos / University of Northwestern, USA, April 18th-20th.

  • Fellowships:

2024 Goizueta Graduate Pre-Prospectus Fellowship at the Cuban Heritage Collection of the University of Miami.2024 Price Lab Andrew W. Mellon Summer Research Fellow in the Digital Humanities at the University of Pennsylvania.2024 Dean’s Travel Subvention  


B.A. Art History. University of Havana.M.A. Art History in the field of Film Studies. National Autonomous University of Mexico.