Daniela Cavalli grew up in Santiago, Chile. She studied Hispanic American Language and Literature, and became a High School Teacher at the Universidad de Chile. She received an M.A. (2010), and a Ph.D. (2016) in The Teaching of Language and Literature (Didáctica de la lengua y la literatura) from the Universitat de Barcelona (Spain). During her doctorate she focused on literary education, particularly in the role and use of poetry in educational settings. Her dissertation was a qualitative study of high school students’ responses to written and visual poetry in the Spanish classroom. She has taught Spanish language and literature in preparatory high schools and in college at different institutions in Chile and the US. She has also taught within the field of The Teaching of Language and Literature in undergraduate and graduate courses at the Universitat de Barcelona. She has published scholarly articles on the perception and response to visual Catalan poetry; the use of reflexive writing to improve the poetry reading experience; and the challenges and opportunities brought about by the teaching of poetry. She has also published her own poetry.