Ignacio Javier López

Office Location: 
508 Williams Hall
Office Hours: 
By Appointment Only
(215) 898-3065
(215) 898-0933
Edwin B. and Leonore R. Williams Professor

IGNACIO JAVIER LÓPEZ is the Edwin B. and Leonore R. Williams Professor of Romance Languages at the University of Pennsylvania. His research covers different areas of the modern period, including topics on Romanticism (Alarcón), Spanish narrative of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Galdós, Pereda, Pardo Bazán, Generation of 98, Pérez de Ayala, Post-war Spanish narrative), Surrealism (Prados, Larrea, Dalí and Buñuel), and contemporary poetry (Guillermo Carnero). His work has been published in eminent journals in the USA (Revista Hispánica Moderna, Diacritics, MLN), Canada (Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos), Germany (Romanische Forschungen), Mexico (Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica), Spain (Boletín de la Real Academia Española, Siglo XIX), and the United Kingdom (Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Bulletin of Spanish Studies). A member of the Penn faculty since 1990, he served as chair of Romance Languages for a decade and a half. He is the first chair of the newly created Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Before coming to Penn, he was a faculty member at the University of Virginia.  He had visiting appointments at Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Villanova, Bryn Mawr in the United States, and Seoul National University in South Korea. He was the General Editor of the Hispanic Review for fifteen years.

Caballero de novela (1986)
Realismo y ficción (1989)
Galdós y el arte de la prosa (1993)
Pedro A. de Alarcón (2008)
Revolución, Restauración y novela (2012)
La novela ideológica, 1875-1880 (2014).

Critical editions
Emilia Pardo Bazán’s  La madre Naturaleza (1992)
Emilio Prados’  Jardín cerrado (1995)
Guillermo Carnero’s Dibujo de la muerte (1998, revised 2nd ed. 2010; revised 3rd ed. [in progress])
Pedro A. de
Alarcón’s El escándalo (2012)
Pedro A. de Alarcón’s El Niño de la Bola (2013)
Benito Pérez Galdós’ Gloria (2011)
Benito Pérez Galdós’ Doña Perfecta (2016)
Benito Pérez Galdós’ Las novelas de Torquemada (2019)