Senén Carlo

Office Location: 
408 Williams
Office Hours: 
Fall 2022: Monday and Wednesday 2:45-3:45 and by appointment or by Zoom
Lecturer in Foreign Languages

Senén Carlo earned his PhD in Literature from Temple University where he is also ABD in Philosophy of Science. Prior to that he received an MA in Spanish Literature, also from Temple University and BA’s in Comparative Literature and Philosophy from University of Puerto Rico. His main fields of specialization are the influence of philosophy in the development of XIX C. literature, the intellectual renditions of science in XIX and XX C. culture and literature, and contemporary politics and the economy in the Hispanic World. He has twice been named OutstandingProfessor by the Panhellenic Council, the Interfraternity Council, and the Multicultural Greek Council of the University of Pennsylvania.

He has been teaching at Penn since 2006. He teaches advanced undergraduate literature seminars, Hispanic cultural history, and Spanish language courses at all levels. His literary seminars cover a variety of different topics, including the multifarious fields of intersection between science, philosophy, and literature, but especially the pattern-based epistemologies of the literary text.


These days Carlo occupies his time researching the self-organizing properties of the process of writing and trying to establish if narrative texts are the kinds of systems of which non-linear dynamic models can be instantiated.   


  •  Ph. D. in XIX C. Spanish-American Literature. Temple University, Philadelphia.
  • ABD in Philosophy of Science. Temple University, Philadelphia.
  • M.A. in Spanish-American Literature. Temple University, Philadelphia
  • B.A. in Philosophy. Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayagüez.
  • B.A. in Comparative Literature. Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayagüez.