Past Events
"Why Early Modern Spain" Acquired Male Habits: Imbrications of Gender, Class, and Race in the Inquisition Case of Eleno de Céspedes (1587-89): Israel Burshatin (Haverford Colleage).
February 27, 2020
Van Pelt Library - 6th Floor, Kislak Center
"Why Early Modern Spain" The Picaresque novel: Labor, Bodies, Displacement: Jorge Téllez (Penn).
February 20, 2020
Van Pelt Library - 6th Floor, Kislak Center
"Why Early Modern Spain" The pastoral novel and the end of nature: Steve Dolph (Drexel University).
February 13, 2020
Van Pelt Library - 6th floor (Kislak Center)
"Why Early Modern Spain " Garcilaso Through the Mirror: the Invention of Poetry in Renaissance Spain" Victor Sierra-Matute (NYU)
February 6, 2020
Van Pelt Library - 6th floor (627 Kislak)
"Why Early Modern Spain" The Sentimental Novel: Emily Francomano (Georgetown University).
January 30, 2020
"Why Early Modern Spain" Opening Round Table: Antonio Feros (Penn), Víctor Pueyo Zoco (Temple) - Jan. 16
January 16, 2020
Van Pelt Library - Kislak Center (6th floor)
Marcelo d'Salete - “Narrativas negras em quadrinhos no Brasil/ Black Narratives in Brazilian Comics”
January 30, 2020
Cherpack Seminar Room, 543 Williams Hall
Marcelo D’Salete will speak about his acclaimed graphic novels, Cumbe (Run For It
Fernanda Melchor and Sophie Hughes
April 17, 2020
Escritores por la Paz, World Poetry Movement, Philadelphia
December 5, 2019
Cherpack Seminar Room - 543 Williams Hall
Millicent Marcus (Yale University) "What Lies Hidden Beneath the 'Blah Blah Blah': Paolo Sorrentino's La grande bellezza." A talk in honor of Robert Cargni
December 3, 2019
Fisher Bennett 401
A talk in honor of Robert Cargni, Programmer, Film @ International House Millic